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Benefits of Quitting Smoking - What are the benefits?

The earlier you quit smoking, the more you’re likely to benefit.

But it’s never too late – because quitting will improve your health whatever your age and no matter how long you have smoked.

After 20 minutes

After 4 hours

After 48 hours

Pulse rate and blood pressure will begin lowering to normal levels.

Oxygen levels return to normal, and carbon monoxide levels in the blood are reduced by half.

Carbon monoxide is almost eliminated from the body. Lungs start to clear out smoking debris. The ability to taste and smell improves.

After 3-9 months

After 2-12 weeks

After 72 hours

Breathing feels easier. Bronchial tubes begin to relax, and energy levels increase. Nicotine from smoking will start to be removed from the body.

Circulation improves allowing the heart and muscles to work more efficiently.

Lung function increases by up to 10%, reducing coughing, wheezing or breathing problems.

After 1 year

After 10 years

After 15 years

The risk of having a heart attack is reduced by half.

The risk of death from lung cancer falls by 50%. The risk of diabetes caused by smoking will be reduced to that of someone who has never smoked.

The risk of a heart attack falls to the same as someone who has never smoked.


When you engage in smoking, the adverse effects extend far beyond the act itself. Smoking significantly diminishes the amount of oxygen reaching crucial components of your body, such as the heart, lungs, and muscles. This reduction in oxygen intake sets off a cascade of detrimental consequences that have a direct impact on your physical fitness and exercise capabilities.


The impact of smoking on fertility is a significant concern for both men and women, casting a shadow over the journey to conception. Smoking has been linked to an increased likelihood of encountering fertility problems, affecting the reproductive processes in both genders and prolonging the time it takes for couples to successfully conceive.

Pregnancy & Breastfeeding

Tobacco smoke contains poisonous chemicals that pass through the placenta into the baby’s blood. They slow the baby’s growth, affect development, and increase the chances of a miscarriage, premature birth or stillbirth. It’s never too late in pregnancy to stop, you and your baby will benefit as soon as you quit. Chemicals are also passed to babies via breast milk.


Children exposed to smoking are up to three times more likely to start smoking themselves if their parents or grandparents smoke. Second-hand smoke harms everyone, putting babies and children at risk of sudden infant death, respiratory issues, infections, reduced lung function, middle ear diseases, asthma attacks, and eye irritation. These risks greatly decrease in smoke-free families.


Quitting smoking or any form of tobacco will be of great benefit to your bank account. On average, most people who quit smoking save around £250 per month. When a pack of cigarettes costs approximately £10, you can see how quickly this adds up. Work out how much you could save with our savings calculator.