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Cook & Eat provided by

Cook & Eat - How we can help you

Healthy Hounslow is offering FREE 6-week courses to help people cook more healthily with fresh ingredients. Register today to join one of our fun and social ‘Cook & Eat’ courses to learn how making small changes can make a big difference to your diet and well-being.

Face-to-face healthy eating education sessions – coming soon.

All of these are face-to-face in-person sessions, so if you would like to join any of them, please call 0204 559 8200.

Or find us here...

Sign up or refer

If you would like to complete an online assessment (roughly 5 minutes), this will help us efficiently help you access our services. Please click the button below to sign up/refer.

Alternatively, if you would like to speak to one of our client services advisors to complete your assessment, please call this number 0204 559 8200.

Important Information: The quickest way to access our service is via the online assessment, however, if this is not an option or is not convenient for you, you can call to speak to our friendly team instead.