Nutrition & Hydration Week

11th - 17th March 2024

What can you do?

The aim of Nutrition and Hydration Week is to engage with healthcare professionals in medical, catering, and care environments, harnessing their expertise to craft an impactful campaign with widespread support.

In the United Kingdom alone, approximately three million individuals face the threat of malnutrition, with even more globally. It’s imperative for the international community to seek opportunities to raise awareness about the risks and promote beneficial practices to combat malnutrition and dehydration.

Promoting good nutrition and hydration not only enhances health and well-being but also alleviates strain on healthcare and social support systems by reducing the need for treating and assisting malnourished or dehydrated individuals. In an era of increasing public health complexities and tightening budgets, Nutrition and Hydration Week remains a valuable intervention tool.

Nutrition and Hydration Week aims to highlight, advocate for, and celebrate local, national, and global progress in nutrition and hydration management. While initially focused on improving these aspects in healthcare and social care settings, the event has evolved over time.

In recent years, Nutrition and Hydration Week has garnered participation from diverse groups and industries, extending its invitation to all to prioritize and endorse nutrition and hydration during this dedicated period.